“Life isn’t about finding yourself.
Life is about creating yourself”
The first thing I noticed as an outsider was how friendly, supportive and organised they were. Secondly I was exceedingly aware of how respectful the riders were to their ponies / horses. It was really fantastic to be part of that environment …… but I digress from the topic!

There is a unique, almost mystical transformation that occurs when a rider shoots a bow from a horse. Firstly, the rider must be very mindful of their emotional regulation and how this impacts on their horse. Extremes of both sides of emotional regulation; hyperaroused, specifically nervousness or excitement; or on the other end of the scale hypoaroused, may impact your horse. So, importantly the rider must expend some energy on inner awareness, promoting homeostasis or an inner equilibrium. Of course with our lighting fast Limbic system and prefrontal cortex, most of this occurs outside of our fully conscious awareness. Riders feeling anxious, focused on activating their parasympathetic nervous system – using Gestalt Theory’s out breath technique for this. Having an emotionally balanced rider, enabled the horse / pony to experience desensitisation to the sound and movement of the bow without an added concern of being impacted by the rider’s body language and energy. How often do we, as individuals, consciously focus on inner awareness and emotional regulation as an active process? Spending this time is the first step of active empowerment.

Then focus on the target whilst moving, muscular tension prior to releasing the arrow and just the wonderful experience that partnership with a horse almost completes the empowerment circle. I commonly see even the most withdrawn or anxious people visibly sit taller in the saddle after experiencing this exhilaration and have this incredible, almost primal strength of presence afterwards. “WOW” is something I hear a lot of.
So what have you got to lose? Channel your inner warrior and experience emotional regulation, and inner strength in partnership with horses! You know you want to 😉
Bianca xx